or in Malay - Berita Video CD.
As a hobby, I've taken up amateur videography, mostly for the weddings of my family members in Brunei. Over the past 3 years, my hobby has grown to encompass desktop video editing, much to the dismay of my already shrunken wallet! Still a hobby is a hobby. The wedding videos which I have taken bear my trademark style - non-documentary, movie editing sytle with a hint of MTV thrown in.
At present, I'm still editing the wedding video of Abdul Aziz and Hjh Nurmehamdinayati's video. I do expect it to be complete by February 15, 2001 in time for the big premiere ... heh heh I wish! Previously done videos include
Hj NoorAzlan & Noorarlina
Hj Rozaidi
Hj Noorazman
The above are available in Video CD format at B$10 for each title. Others available include the Halip and Mimi videos - these are currently not in digital format.
My production capabilities include:
Analog video (VHS) to digital video conversion (AVI)
VHS to Video CD conversion
Analog Audio to AudioCD conversion
CD Premastering
At present, I am only doing the above production as a hobby, catered solely to the needs of my family and relatives. For business enquiries and opportunities, please direct your inquiries to [email protected].